just carding away

I have spent a lot of time this week preparing fiber. The fleece i washed? I am carding and spinning it. I am actually working on a bit of a few, some from Taos, some from North Carolina. I am finding that changing which fleece I am working with lets me stay a little bit more focused.
Though, I think I would just like very large mugs of tea and quiet. One of my co-workers today told me work gets in the way of my life. Miss L is right! Life is always interesting.
More carding and spinning going on tonight. With tea and a bit of quilting going on. I am seriously thinking of putting the soundtrack to 180 Degrees South on and just being mellow to it. Boys are off on motorbikes and supposedly bringing me back a half a macaroon. My bet is that it will be in little bits when it gets here!
Tea. Fabric. Fiber. Maybe I will even leave the house for an onion and the purchase of makings for adult beverages. I would actually bet against that currently!
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