quiet Saturday

I am taking a quiet Saturday. I have been sleeping a lot this week. Ten to twelve hours a night. It started last week with allergies and then we had a sudden cold front come through. I do not even wish to think about what sickness is wandering around work! There is a lot of coughing, sniffling, and sneezing going on. My body says sleep, so I sleep. I think I will be taking a nap today even though I slept eleven hours last night.
Bread experimentation may be the only thing I finish today. I started some crocheting last night because I wished to play with yarn. I also started the bread experimentation. I am still cleaning and organizing my work table. I am getting many more quilt squares! And I finally have the binding cut for the quilt I am working on. I have a sheath dress cut out that I wish to start working on. And much fiber to spin. This is my life.
The main thing though, is to stay healthy. The top possible number on the mountain the days before Thanksgiving is fourteen. This is why healthy is key. I kind of wish to just open "the doors" and ask if anyone else wishes to come. Then I laugh and go drink tea.

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