because being away from loved ones is poopies!

I started a new project today even though I really should not have. I have a friend who moved away from her family with her new husband to Virginia. January and February are just the hardest months of the year if your are single or away from those you love. I started her scarf today.
I have other projects I should probably be working on at work. None for Christmas. All the Christmas projects require my sewing machine but I do have a couple more crocheted gifts to make. They are whenever they get done.
But this one needs to be done in January or February. I also have a lot of yarn to spin for it as well. The Tall Short person that it is "a happy place for the momma lady." She is right. It means this will get done in a timely manner. I may even get a chance to put in a hat for the friend's husband even though I do not know him that well. I will see.

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