long Christmas weekend

We did what we normally do over Christmas and went camping. It was the normal type of camping in December in Texas, one day it was 70 degrees, three days later it is in the forties, raining, and blowing. We are prepared for it but it does not mean getting out of bed in the morning is every very simple.
And tea does need to stay close to the fire to stay warm! Sometimes it is not even hot. We camped very simply. Much more simply then normal. I did not mind but it was good the day it rained consistently was the morning we were planning on leaving.
My best friend gave me a foldable rocking chair for camping and on the warm days it was lovely.
I had been given water buffalo bone crochet hooks for Christmas. Four in all. A little personal shaping and I think I really like them. They are not as warm as wood but they do have nice feel in the hand and they do not slip out of my work as easily. Sitting in a rocking chair by the fire or picnic table working on a scarf with them was nice.
And I did get a scarf finished! It is another very long one. The Tall Short Person says her neck is always cold. The darker middle is merino and yak. I did not have quite enough of that yarn to make the length I wished so I spun some yak and silk yarn for the ends. The ends are a bit asymmetric because I guessed at was half the ball. I am pleased with the scarf.
I enjoyed the time camping. Some ways I am glad to be home but in some ways I wish I was back out there. Both make me smile.
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