more cast iron and another dress

I got cast iron pan for the camping box today. There is a crack in it that has a vveerrryyy slow leak. Which is perfect for camping. I do not think I would want a pan in the camp box that I have to worry about. A bit up is cool.
I also finished another dress. It is a homespun fabric. I just love that fabric and I picked up this piece weeks ago when my Beloved got new vinyl for his shop stools. He helped me pick out the fabric so it is a bit different then if I just picked it myself. But I really like it.
I thought I would finish it yesterday but I fell asleep after work. Four hours later I woke. Then it was time for food and more sleep. Today may be similar once I finish writing.

Reader Comments (2)
Plaid dress was really beautiful. Plaid always so classic fashion!!!!
Thank you!