a hat made from sunshine

On our way to our mountain, it was darn cold! And the wind was blowing. We were eating outside most of the time so we could let Small Mister could run. But the way the wind was blowing and how cold it was, I needed a hat. I do not know what I was thinking because I know the end of June, beginning of July can be cold as you go north. When the Tall Short Person was born in July many years ago, we had to run the heater.
I did not bring a hat. I had brought a sweater as just in case. I had yarn with me, the last of Sunshine that I had spun. I made a hat. I wore it on the mountain. I wore it at my parents on the way back. I wore it all the way through New Mexico. We go through the northern high plains and it can be a bit chilly there year round.
I like how it turned out even though it is not perfect. I am thinking about putting it in my bicycling bag so it is with the sweater I have at work. That is the one I made from Sunshine's fleece as well. I have had to pull that one out because of the air conditioning this summer. That is really how my life works.
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