antsy (and quiet)

I have some quiet so I can write. Everyone else went off to the beach today while I went to work. It means I came home to an empty house. After one errand to run, I have some quiet for the computer and sewing. I find with both boys, the only time there is any guarantee of quiet is when they are asleep. When they sleep, I sleep. I am a tuckered lady!
I have been a bit antsy lady. Want to travel but know that is coming soon. Not really my first choice but those come in fall and winter. My Beloved was kind enough to drive out a ways to a fabric store so I could feel less antsy. He did tease me a lot about buying new fabrics for quilts! He made me laugh so hard! But I really like what we chose together. It is one of the main reasons I like him to come with me when I am picking out quilt fabrics. It makes the selection much more diverse.
I also picked out a few dress fabrics. I have already pulled five out of my closet. They either do not fit just right or I do not enjoy wearing them. One I pulled I still love but is horribly stained. Are clothes not supposed to be Lady and Small Mister proof? Just makes me sigh. But I will enjoy the sewing. Small Mister enjoys helping but that is helping only the way a 2 1/2 year can. Very interesting!
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