power outages

Today I am very thankful for long summer nights, a treadle sewing machine, and relative coolness due to a thunderstorm.
As I left work on my bicycle, a massive thunderstorm started. I was totally soaked by the time I got home. Every piece of clothing was wet. And as I road home, I passed a tree down on power lines two blocks from our city home. We have not had power, had power, and then not had power again as the lines were being fixed.
I did get some sewing done. Squares for nine square quilt squares cut and a new slip cut. Small Mister helped me with a bit of sewing before we went out for dinner. I have everything I need to cook without power but the whole family was looking for more coolness then we had. And after cooking over a camp stove for the last ten days, I was very easy about going out. What I had planned for dinner, needed an oven and I am not sure what I would have cooked on top of the stove. I would have figured something out. It is just a bit easier when you are prepared and I was not.
Currently, we have power. Which is nice. Who knows what the rest of the night will bring but that is okay. It is time for sleep.

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