how do I start making a sweater?

I have been coughing so hard that the muscles over the left sides of my ribs hurt. It is an old injury that I aggravated while I was taking care of a very sick Koda Bear in Sitka. I thought I was doing better but I have no stamina. And the slightest cough hurts. It is hard to feel creative but it is easy to sit and spin.
I am working with some lovely Corredale fiber that I have cleaned and carded. It is not as soft as I might like but it has the most gorgeous chocolate color. And I learn more every time I spin and card. I put on a strange audiobook that was getting good reviews but I returned to the library almost immediately. Much too odd for me. Especially with a head that is not working at full potential.
After I got the first bobbin full, I started on a sweater that I have been thinking about since I saw it in the Interweave Crochet last winter. It reminds me of J Crew sweater I wore out about twenty years ago. It does get me a new one but I am having such a problem concentrating on the pattern that it may take until next fall to finish it!
Yes, my head is not in the game either. The yarn currently varies a lot in width which is why that bit looks like it is not straight. It is the same number of stitches but I hope blocking will really help.
I will get better. It is just slow. My creativity is basicall at the point of spinning mounds of fiber. Not very interesting at all.
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