
This weekend for Houston was all about weather. Hurricane Patricia actually was forecasted to effect us and it did. The first effect was that the people around me seemed to behave as if Armageddon was coming. No, we were not going to be hit by a hurricane. Yes, we were going to get rain and wind from the last dying bits of it. We could have possibly been a lot of rain. It was not Armageddon but that was the behavior I saw when I had a few errands to run.
Do not go to the grocery store!
Instead, I tried an old recipe that I have had success with many times but never at the barometric pressures I was experiencing except during an actual tropical storm or hurricane. Then, I usually do not have power to bake. There is always a way to make tea.
I made kouign amann. Yes, the bake took twice as long as normal which was extremely frustrating but in the end, there were lovely laminations and flavor. I have decided that I am no longer going to try the individual ones but just stick with the family style. I have a feeling the last proof should be longer so I can get more layer definition but no one around here will mind if I keep doing that especially if there is creme patissiere around to dip it in.
I have been asked for more yeasted cakes. I like this idea. With tea. And I love the idea of being a hermit when the world outside my door seems to be going mad. Yes, it was a lot of rain. No one died this storm. Not Armageddon.

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