three weeks of family and gallivanting

I am back in Houston house after three weeks of gallivanting and family. At the beginning of this time, was my Grandmother's funeral. Lots of family was involved and we stayed with the Tall Short Person for that bit of the travels because she lives fairly close to where my Grandmother was interned and the memorial services where held.
We went from there to the mountain for a few days. The weather was a bit overcast and slightly damp. It was a nice change from the heat of Texas. It was also nice to have a break before we traveled more. Koda Bear, my Beloved, my parents, and myself had a pirate ship to board for more gallivanting. We could not convince Koda Bear it was not a pirate ship. I could be a continuous traveler if I had a way to cook my own food. Hotel rooms without a kitchen are not my cup of tea.
I miss the mountain. I miss the gallivanting. I have did come back with a cold so my head is not on very straight yet. I actually thought about not writing today because it feels like my head is on that crooked. Personally, I would love to be on the mountain healing but instead I am dealing with work and the emotions around layoffs. It is what it is.

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