got some cutting out done

I am not feeling that creative around here lately. I am still tired. And then it did not help that we went to Amaluna last night. Koda Bear had a melt down afterwards and I stayed up with him until he slept. It was not very long but took a lot out of me. I was still so tired this morning my whole body hurt. Just moving slowly.
Work was interesting today. Before lunch, I found a job to make sails in Las Vegas. I seriously considered applying. It is the type of day I had. Why is it hard to talk to the person in the next office over? I am making self raspberry ginger syrup for margaritas currently. The very good tequila was purchased for me so I may just start sipping on straight tequila. It is a favorite.
I was able to cut out a shirt for my Beloved yesterday. He wants more fuzzy shirts before he heads to the mountain for a month. He is taking some of the boyos and I am staying behind. I need to pay the bills. I am thinking about taking a long weekend and going to New Orleans. It has been awhile since I have been there. I would not mind doing some walking.
I need to repair a wet suit tonight or tomorrow. Just a 3 mm but it will be a perfect weight for surfing in Galveston. There is supposed to be head high crappy surf on Saturday. The week I have had, that will be better then an adult beverage. Maybe I will get a skateboard out too!
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