Continually mending

Life is interesting. About the time I have found something I really like, I love it to death! Mending in every form must happen. But it is also true for the rest of the household. I chose to work on a sweater yesterday. A new sweater but my Mondays are usually spent mending if I do not need to be out of the house. There is always mending or repairs that need to happen.
Mending. Why mend? There are multiple reasons. I make very little now compared to previously in my life but the happiness is much greater. Going out and buying new is not always an option. But, buying new does not happen often just because I cannot find what I want in the stores. Things I like seem to not stay around very long in retail establishments. Which means I mend or make. If I can get it back into my wearing rotation faster by mending then making, that is probably the way I will go.
There is another reason. The carbon footprint of clothes is four or five years per item. If I can keep wearing something for longer then that, it is a win for my pocketbook and the planet. I remake and alter many things too. Not buying new fabric is already a win. Mending keeps things working and sometime make them even more unique. Like this sweater. Like my Beloved's work pants.
Mending does feel never ending. I have even mended some of the boyos things. I stitch well. But my family and friends play and work hard. There is a lot of laughter and work but that means that clothes wear. And I mend. Mine too.