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no surf

It was a busy weekend even though I would have to pause for whole body coughing.  It still is wearing me out.  And I so wanted there to be surf.  But there was none.  I took a few minutes for myself.  I put on my frumpy boy jeans, where the waist is just a bit too high because of the size I have to by and the bottom really does not fit right.  But there are full size zippers, my bottom is completely covered, every pocket is actually useable and I have agreed to go look for girl jeans.  I took my longest skateboard out of the quiver and road up and down our street.

It got me in the sun and moving a bit.  It made me smile!  Yes, I still coughed and hacked.  Yes, I had to take  lot of breaks.  But I actually did something for myself.  It was not surf, but on a day where there is none, it is a lovely alternative.

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