quiet weekend

It was a very rainy weekend here. Flooding actually. It meant I did not go much farther then my rocking chair or the kitchen. After all my sewing last week, I really did not feel like working on my sewing machine, spinning, or working with my crochet hook. By the end of the weekend though, I started thinking about it. Pondering.
I did pick flowers. I am a flower junky like I have said before and I decided to do the #SeasonalFlowerAlliance that Floret Farms instigates on Instagram. The goal is to take pictures of the flowers you pick locally and put into some type of a bouquet. I actually have an Instagram account to do this now: @elibjerklie . I will take pictures of what I pick from my yarn and enjoy everyone else's. More flowers!
I did have to share this picture though. I laughed at myself because this is a quiet weekend in my kitchen!
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