and the boyos are off!

The boyos are off! They hooked up the Suburban, loaded the car on a trailer, and left yesterday. I admit that the whole week felt a bit like getting them prepared. I did a lot of mending and cooking. I got a text yesterday at lunch saying they were raring to go. I was not surprised at all and told them such. They were off! I have gotten pictures from the road of them reheating food I made them. They should be almost to Koda Bear soon.
I, on the other had, did normal things like go to work and clean. I am reblocking a rug a made so the edges do not curl. So much easier when there are not people around who wish to use the rug. It is a grand yoga mat.
I did go out with co-workers last night but I would have been just as happy staying home and working on one of the sweaters I am making like tonight. I do hermit well.
I am going to be spending time on this sweater because I would like it done for when I go gallivanting. The reservation for a camp site is made on the Oregon coast. Hoping to see my best friend. Hoping to see other friends but it will completely depend on their schedule and how flexible timing can be. I just want some time to walk a beach. It will be much to cold really to put my toes in the ocean!

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