did not get done in time for the easter box

I got another pair of pajama pants done for Koda Bear but I did not get them done in time for the Easter box. I think I will send them with my Beloved to the mountain. Koda Bear and my Beloved with Sharpening Chris are buying a tractor. The boyos are SO excited!
I am enjoying the simple sewing I do not have to think very hard about. Yes, today was a better day then yesterday but I need some time off. We are going to the motorcycle races starting tomorrow but that is not really time off.
I am thinking that I need some gallivanting. The possibilities just keep getting greater in my head. Currently, I am day dreaming about going to the Oregon Coast while the boyos are on the mountain. I may go visit for a few days but I might just spend the majority of my time walking on the beach or sitting in my portable rocking chair by a fire reading. Possibilities.
Who knows what I may come up with. But at least starting tomorrow afternoon there is a tent in my life. I look forward to those times.

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