motoGP weekend

I spent the weekend on the hill at the Turn 1 in Austin, TX at the MotoGP races. Grand Prix motorcycle racing. Now, I will admit that the boyos in my life are the ones who really love it. I go because to be supportive. Sometimes I do the Kid Zone all weekend with Koda Bear so Poppa Bear can watch the races. Koda Bear has enough in about ten minutes.
If there is no Koda Bear, I pull out my folding rocking chair, sit down with my crochet, and figure ou the physics of Turn 1. COTA has the worst Turn 1 but as any type of physicist, you start playing lines in your head that involve velocity and acceleration. It is a good thing my second language is calculus. I do say a few prayers that there is no carnage on this turn. Last year, in two classes, there was.
The weather was such that I was wishing that this sweater was finished instead of just getting started. I ran out of yarn on the back and worked on a shawl next. The sweater would have been a nice change from the sweatshirt that said biscuithead. I do feel the need to make sourdough biscuits. Maybe this weekend.
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