the sweater I fell into

This is the sweater I fell into. Other then finding the right buttons, because the ones I thought would work are really not going to, and a few ends to weave in, it is done.
The funny thing about this sweater is that it is all yarn I spun. I had points where I needed to spin more yarn because I was out of the main color. I still have more of that fleece.
The shape is called a "boyfriend sweater." It is oversize but the shoulders fit just right. It is heavy. I actually wore it a bit around the office this afternoon because the air conditioning made me feel very cold after being outside. I like how it engulfs me. Engulf is a good description. I probably look like a little girl in it. I have gotten carded and gotten called Miss recently. The world is odd.
It was actually an interesting pattern to work. I did make the comment to my Beloved that I really need to do one part once and then do it again right because I will have figured it out. I am thinking about another.
I am gallivanting for almost two weeks starting tomorrow. I am so excited I did not pack anything tonight because it would have met I would want to leave this evening. Durango first, and then the coast. There was a stop that I was hoping to make but it does not look like it is going to happen. Just life. I am taking fiber, my drop spindle, a crochet hook, and my Sunshine sweater to take apart. Who knows what I will really come back with!
Send me smile and prayers for a safe trip please. I will be smiling big.

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