gallivanted to the coast

I went gallivanting to the coast. I was supposed to stop and see my best friend but her movie set went crazy. It seems like the production is one of those where anything that could go wrong did. I have no idea how she is going to be credited either for this short. She has done about everything on this set but be the director and producer. It did mean that I could not stop and see her. It also meant I missed Durango, Colorado which I was looking forward to. I think I have been there but it was when I was a short person.
I headed on to the coast, seeing parts of the country I know I have never seen before. I drove through southern Utah. It is gorgeous. I came back supposedly the same way but missed a turn. So a different road and it was just as gorgeous. Me and my little old truck like travelling.
I walked a lot when i got to the coast. From one end of the beach,
to the other. I am not really sure how far it was but it was miles. In the morning, with a thermos of tea. Other times of the day still with a thermos of tea! It was cold. Beautiful and sunny at times but then it was so windy it cut right through you. When it was still, it was foggy. It rained too.
The surf was just the right size for me. But I did not bring my board or wet suit. It was probably a good thing because I overdid by just walking! Yes, I may be laughed at.
The Tall Short Person and Koda Bear came down and spent Mother's Day with me. They even spent the night. Lovely.
I drove up and saw my parents and then to the mountain. The boyos are working hard. There is now less trees, an outhouse, and a bath house. I refused to sleep in the trailer. I set up my little tent again. The trailer smelled and was very boy messy. But it was good to see what they were doing and it was nice to my Beloved.
On the way back, during part of that beautiful drive through Utah, where I could not do anything about it, I got called and texted that our hot water heater was leaking. I came home to no water and an appointment for the plumber today. The hot water heater ruptured. It has been an interesting day. But spinning and crocheting has been done. Not as nice as crocheting on the beach or spinning in front of my camp fire, but I will not complain. Especially since my best friend needed me and I could be here.
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