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hoping for a quiet weekend

I think the title of this post says it all.  I am hoping for a quiet weekend.  So far so good.  I spent time in the garden this morning and found lots of seedlings.  We had a lot of heat with little rain most of August and then started to get rain.  This has been a lovely surprise.  It does mean that my weeding does not seem to make as much as a dent because I am much more careful but it does mean that I might get more flowers this autumn.  I was lamenting to myself that I did not get as many flowers as last year.  It looks like I may.  I also ordered seeds for my winter garden yesterday.  Much brassicia.  Now if I can get something started before we leave for Alaska.

The rest of the day I have been working on this sweater.  I am making the sweater up as I go so I took out the back and started it again.  I also finished spinning the rest of the fiber into yarn for it.  I have had such a lovely time at my spinning wheel that I picked up more fiber to spin instead of working on the sweater.  It all has to get done. 

There are other tasks I can do in my rocking chair this weekend that mean projects get done.  It may just be time to sit at my spinning wheel.  I do know the grocery store and the library are errands I have to run.  But that is just part of life.

Hopefully you are having the weekend you hope for.

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