
This has been a week of a lot of time at my sewing machine and my spinning wheel. I have been trying to finish projects. I am out of yarn for the shawl I am making and I wish to start more for a sweater. I have three family quilts I am working on plus nine squares and bag for the shop. I am enjoying it so much!
Next week, I am off to Reno. We are looking for a place for me to live. There are options but we do not know what will be the best choice. It is why we will be exploring.
Today is full of computer work. I rearranged the shop due to helpful suggestions from a friend. I do hope to end up back on my sewing machine before the day is out. But . . . There are errands to run for such things as thread! It is hard to sew when there is no thread. It all takes me away from my wheel and machine.
But life is full of joy and laughter because this is what my work is currently. I am enjoying it immensely.
I will not be posting next week. I might get a few updates in the shop this weekend. I am waiting to see what the next curve ball is because they have been very interesting so far.

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