a fall but I will retry

Tea cakes. Quick bread. These have been asked for recently because they are slightly sweet and fill a snacking need.
And I wanted something with chocolate but quick, not leavened. I tried a Nestle recipe because of the marble squares that are such a hit.
But the tea cake fell! Badly. The flavor was good and every bite was eaten but the center just sunk to the bottom of the pan. It might have been the whole wheat flour and the cream of tartar and baking soda I used instead of all purpose flour and baking powder. The first, I was trying to be a bit healthier, the second because I can always taste baking powder in a baked good. Yuck!
This cake is a good representation of work right now. Some good people. But it is just not working. I walked home from work after a late meeting and that helped. Sitting at my sewing machine working on quilt blocks for a Maker's Market helped. I hope to have the top pieced and basted this weekend. I do not even know the date of the Market yet but working on it is better then the insanity of work!
I need to experiment more with chocolate quick breads or tea cakes. However you wish to call them.

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