being frustrated and frugal

For the longest time, I have been trying to make slips that I like. But I have not been very successful. Usually they are too full or not low enough or not short enough or not long enough. Lots of design problems.
I think I may have figured it out. But I will never post a picture of them. Simple sheath shifts with just enough of an a-line shape to not trip me. I am one of those who feels that if you cannot do it in a dress, it is not the dresses problem but your mind set. The only things that I have not done in a dress are surf and snowboard. It definitely has something to do with being wet and cold!
The frugal part is that I am using an old silk Rennaissance dress I made. I rarely go to the fairs anymore so there is no need for six dresses in my closet. (We used to go a lot) A good use of fabric. And frugal really works right now. I am going down to four days a week at work. It has a lot to do with the price of oil a barrel hovering close to $30. I am excited about it because maybe I will get some of the work for me done that I wish and maybe a business started.
One step at a time. Right now, maybe a slip pattern that really works!
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