May you live in interesting times

I am back from the mountain. Have a Koda Bear. It was interesting.
I took pictures of the travels to the mountain of mountains. But there was so much rain and wind and clouds that most of the pictures look the same even though they are from all over the United States. I miss all the mountains already though.
The were Great Grandparents on each end of our mountain per request of Koda Bear. I found a place to by second hand fabric and yarn by the pound. I found places to take interesting classes. New quilt shops with very interesting ideas on the walls. Only problem, not where I live most of the time. This may require more traveling. Such a hardship.
And the interesting. A major automobile breakdown. I got us to a rest area where there was a phone, bathroom, and a place for a small Mister to play. But, because it was Memorial Day weekend, the diagnosis was not delivered until Tuesday afternoon. The next day was spent on a bus, a train, a streetcar, and a plane. The car is still in Utah.
Also, all the stuff is in the car in Utah. Which means I do not have my normal camera for this blog. I may be thin on the ground for the next couple weeks. Also, I was planning to go to the Estes Park WoolMarket. It does not look like I am going to make it.
I had a conversation with a lovely lady at the Museum of Natural Curiosity. She asked what I was doing in Utah and I told her. She was surprised that I could smile and laugh. But you know, everyone was safe. We had food and roof. I could figure it out from there.
So. I am just figuring things out if I am not here. It is going to be that way for a couple of weeks.

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