I would have to disagree

I follow Bon Appetit on facebook. They post some interesting articles and recipes. Recently, the best easiest cocoa recipe came across my feed.
I would have to say not the best. Fairly easy. But I bake so much I am not a good judge. I work on laminations most weekend. I realized what these reminded me of was boxed brownie mix brownies. If that is what you wish, the best. If not, not. But the batter tastes right if that is what you grew up with! Oh well. It was an interesting experiment.
Today was a long day. Work is starting earlier due to a required meeting I am going to. Then, I got called on the carpet for telling the truth. Doing the right thing and striving for excellence. My response to being told off was I am sorry but if it is that big of a deal just fire me, I am tired.
That is never the response people expect. It is the second time I have made that statement which is why I say people. My industry has this attitude that if you have a job you must be desperate to keep it. Not a good time in the industry to go looking but being fired is much better then the other options. Life is always interesting.
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