just a day in the life

I have been working on a quilt for my shop this week. It is my Etsy shop which has more things. Experiments. But this quilt has been a nice slow process. I need putter. There is a cold front coming through, which is really not that cold, but the pressure changes have definitely aggravated new injuries. It is how my body reacts. I have just been puttering away and trying to make progress. Also, trying to remember to stretch and rest. It is not what I am best at!
Since the city did not like my front garden, I have been trying to decide what to do with that space. A tree will be planted. A burr oak was a recommendation for the health of the planet and the tree population. But I want more then a tree. I picked some sage branches on one of the many walks I take. Into water they go and hopefully roots develop. I miss having sage.
Also, grocery shopping for vegetables was a disappointment today. I do not think of myself as a big vegetable eater. Because I mostly like vegetables roasted, in soups, or raw. I like roasted romesca. It is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. It is the time of year it should be coming into grocery stores. Not this year. I can get bean to bar chocolate made in house but I cannot buy romesca. I am thinking seeds will need to be started soon.
As I said before, I like roasted veg. But roasting veg leaves a lot of very edible veg after cleaning. I also found some wrinkly potatoes and moldy onions in the refrigerator. Once I cut off the mold, into the soup pot everything went. Browning happened. Water was added. A long slow simmer took place. This vegetable broth was created. It looks like it should be meat broth but it will cook beans well and it will thin soups well.
The documentary Wasted got me going back down this path. It is a good reminder that we all can do more to cut down food waste. I highly recommend it. Chickens are being also considered to eat more of the leftover food as well as producing eggs. There is only so much vegetable stock the freezer can hold. Now that the apartment has a tenant, there is someone around most of the time to help care for livestock. Rabbits are being considered as well but they are just more of a meat source not a way to limit waste.

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