Taos Mountain Shawl

I have been under the weather. I am still not a 100% but I try to listen to my body when it says I should sleep or I can go. This weekend was a lot of being asleep or still. It has been a long time since I have sat and read so many books in a day. It was actually really kind of nice! I will call it a silver lining.
I finished the Taos Mountain Shawl I was making. I crocheted it instead of knitted it. I only took it out probably a dozen times and I could have taken it out a couple more. There is that corner pictured above that is not quite the angle I would have wished. And for some reason, I mixed up color order on the other border. But it is done.
I am really pleased. I used about twice as much yarn as the knitted version which means it is a bit larger. I like large shawls. It has been nice for when I want a little extra but not a sweater.
I usually wear my shawls a bit off center anyhow and this becomes even more wonky. But it was designed after the mountains near Taos, New Mexico. Wonky is okay. The yarn is soft but not as soft as the other cashmere blend I have worked with.
I have another shawl I am taking from knit to crochet, Earth and Sky. I find I do better using the pictures as a go by so I have no idea what the parameters of that one will be. But I am going to give it a try. I have only taken that one out three times so far. It will be interesting. Especially since I do not think I have enough of any one yarn for any part. It will be a compilation.
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