Seem to be chasing autumn

There has been a bit of weekend camping going on. I love it. It does mean there seem to be less hours to do in the week but I will take the relaxation every time.
I have been doing lots of little steps recently. I have to do a so I can do b. It all ends up in a finished product but the stories are not really worth telling until I have everything together. And I am working on Christmas already. That will be be able to be shared until the gifts are delivered. Or maybe a few pictures of the process.
I am feeling better. I had a conversation this morning that made me realize that my feeling the under the weather, whether allergies, easily injuring myself, arthritis, or infection, has probably something to do with stress. The biggest stress factor happened about two months ago with Harvey.
I am very much one of the lucky ones. As well of most of the people I know. There was a roof to repair and the inside repairs due to the leak. But nothing was lost. But if a helicopter circles for too long, I can tell. Since I am one of those who has a tendency to just get on, I am thinking that my body is reacting for me. At least the Black Hawk helicopters are no longer trying to change my heartbeat. They flew that close.
Chasing autumn. Camping more. Trying to slow down, which I am horrible at. All these things are helping. As well as good friends, good food, quiet when needed. But Harvey still keeps popping up and there is still a lot of recovery that needs to happen. Whether that is emotional or physical for the Texas coast and anybody who was here during the storm.
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