a bit of a rabbit hole

Life really has not been quiet lately. Between what is going on in the world, preparing to take Koda Bear back to the Tall Short Person, and things not working out quite right, I find I need quiet. Sleep would help too but the boyos are not helping there.
When I can get a chance, I have been working on a quilt. The top is put together. The back is done. It is basted together. I have sewing to do before I am on the road but what I really would like to work on is the quilting of this. Might not happen.
I have been playing with plant dye and this week does not seem very successful. It will be interesting to see what happens with the two pieces of silk I am working with now. I cooked beet and tried to dye with that. Not what I have been expecting so far. Same is true with everything else I have been working on with dye. Except my hands. My hands show the work.
Oh well. That is life.
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