and back again

I am back again after being at my Dad's last week. The doctor's anointment went better then we expected so that is good. He still has more tests to do mid-November and I will be there for those. Then, maybe surgery?
We got the walk behind tractor to the mountain. It worked well but we already broke the front shielding off the brush hog. But there are lots of blackberries cut down.
And we actually have a field again! This is very exciting. The walk behind tractor is smaller then our large one. We also do not have the brush hog for the big tractor. The small one gets into places the big one cannot go. It is almost too big me to run but I can run it for a couple hours and get more done in then I can in a whole day. Though I still sleep very well at night!
The sun in the two previous pictures was much of the sun we got. It sleeted once and snowed once on the mountain. At my Dad's it rained. I brought a piece of silk with me so I could play with ecoprinting. I let it soak in a pot of dead tea leaves, and then a pot of Epsom salts. I wondered around my Dad's yard and picked up leaves and berries. I found a stick to wrap the bundle up. I tied it all up with a piece of string and left it in a bush. I will see what it looks like in February or March.
I may take a light colored dress up with me next and do the same. I really do not wear light colors. I have some wool dresses from when I worked corporate jobs that could use some darker colors. One is in a dead tea pot with a scarf and silk skirt currently. I treated myself to dye and blanks. It could end up very interesting. But it is making me feel creative.
I find when I spend all my time working for Serenity Knives or making face masks, I just stop feeling creative. I need some making of my own. I have a dress wandering around in my brain that I will make soon, even though I do not need a new dress. But it will be the only way to get it out.
Spinning helps. Crocheting helps. I am currently trying to decide on colors to make the shawl I started during quarantine larger. I stared with skeins of yarn that I did not use for another project and the shawl is just not big enough. I am looking at other skeins and leftovers and trying to decide what I do next. It will be an interesting creating when it is done.