just getting through

I have a quilt ready for quilting now. I also worked on cleaning up my work table which consisted of cutting many quilt squares. I went through plastic boxes and found fabrics which I had forgotten I had. It was good work. And it was good work for how poorly I have been moving.
There has been much pain lately which means I move slowly. At times yesterday, there was no movement. Most of my coping mechanisms have fallen by the wayside. The ones that usually work have not. Now, someone might say, why do you not go to a doctor? Because their solutions usually do not work any better and are much more harmful in the long run.
I will add more turmeric and ginger tea. I will take walks. I will try to be good about my yoga. Sleep. Good food that is mostly vegetables. I will try very hard not to over do. Which is the hardest bit actually.
Tomorrow will be a better day. That is my hope.

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