back from travels

I am back from my travels. End of March, I always try to take a trip. It is time for some camping when it may not be so cold as well as to celebrate another year. This year, it also meant taking Koda Bear back to the Tall Short Person. So we adventured and did not move as fast as normal.
We saw a lot of desert.
I told stories about dancing Saguaro cactus. I pointed out a roadrunner and then got asked if every bird was a roadrunner. We listened to coyotes sing.
We set up our tent and pulled out sleeping bags for the nights.
Koda Bear met other kids and played. I watched them, watched the sky, read a book. I think he has a favorite park now.
We even drove through the snow falling. The trees covered with snow is a photograph from Koda Bear.
The two of us travel well together. We both like to travel. We both are game for another night in a tent. I was told we needed to go to Alaska and to go to see totem poles. I was game but that was definitely not part of the plan. Maybe next year?
The funny thing, is when we stop and unpack, we both nest very well. It is hard to get us to move off our small plot of land. But get us packed and moving? We will not stop until we have too. The question always comes up, where will we put up the tent tonight?
The drive back by myself was not as fun. But pretty. I just did not have the help of taking pictures. And I have seen that road many times. There was still snow on the mountains but none falling from the sky. I got back to lands where I did not need a sweater or a coat anymore. How strange. I am getting settled again.
Soon, it will be hard to pry me out of my house or from my garden for errands around town. But if there is a tent or an adventure involved. . . I am game!

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