back from adventuring

Koda Bear is back with the Tall Short Person. But at the very last minute, adventuring was decided upon. Koda Bear really likes to sleep in tents. So does my Beloved. I found state parks to camp in across the southwest of the United States and the boyos could not have been more pleased.
Davis Mountain State park is one that I have wanted to visit in the past. I want to go back now. I would love to hang out for a week. There was just not enough time. The skies were so clear! It is near the MacDonald observatory so I should not have been surprised.
We were supposed to camp at Picacho State Park between Tuscon and Phoenix Arizona but 115 Fahrenheit was just too hot. It was a hotel night. But Stoney Creek Campground in Mount San Jacinto State Park south of Palm Springs California was lovely. The elevations meant that it was cool.
I had time to finish a present between hikes.
There were so many rocks for the Bear to climb on! Places to run down hill because it is the best according to him. He gets his energy from running down hill. Most times he is pretending he is riding a motorbike so it is a lot of fun.
But Koda Bear and my Beloved could have their adventure of sleeping in tents. Which was really what they wanted before Koda Bear landed back with the Tall Short Person. It is lovely to watch.
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