Just the head space I am in

I laid out another quilt last week. It is really where my head is. I have been having problems with allergies since Harvey blew through and concentrating is difficult. Quilts are not concentration for me. They are color and texture. Counting. This one seems to have a bit different feel for some reason. Maybe I should lay out quilts more often when my head space is strange.
I also have so many nine squares. Probably enough to make another quilt. Which is not a bad idea. It lets me mull over life and sometimes not mull at all.
My biggest decision right now is trying to decide the color on the edge of the cardigan I am making. Then it will be buttons. Where to put in seedlings in my strange garden the city hates. I do not conform well when it comes to my garden. I am just waiting until it is a bit cooler later in the week for me to do much work there. I am ready for cool. In the evening, I keep working on sweaters. It will be cool someday. Or I will head to the mountain!
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