chaotic mind revealed in basting

I needed to baste this quilt top to the backing and batting. Was that an interesting experience!
I do not think I have ever basted a quilt in a more chaotic pattern! Even when Koda Bear's helps.
My Beloved made the comment that he tells people that he is safe not okay. I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. On my walk this morning, one of the bridges moved underneath just from my walking. It bounced. No, it was not my imagination. Once I was on solid ground, I needed to catch my breath and stomp to convince my head that I was on solid ground and everything was as good as possible.
We are on a flight path for many of the helicopters that are working. Three Chinook helicopters just flew over the house. It is not just the walls that shake at that point. It is not just the wonder if the shingles will shake off. Things are moving on surfaces and walls. It is a wait and see if everything will be alright this time.
I am still having a flight or fight reaction. The rain stopped a week ago today. I want to go forward into my normal routines but it has been difficult to focus. Adrenaline is still raised and I am a worrier. It is going to be very interesting to see how people react the next time there is a threatening weather event. Or maybe just a thunderstorm.
Today, all I wish to do is sit at my sewing machine and quilt. Listen to an audiobook. Instead, I have some computer work. I am cooking for a friend who is finding it hard to feed herself while she helps one of her friends who flooded. I need to go out of the house to the post office. And the library! The library is open!
It truly is the simple things.

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