a quiet cocoon

Helicopters are still going over the house. There is still dealing with the small or not such small things that need care after the storm. There was the delivery of food to a friend who does not care for herself when she is caring for others. There are more storms. There is fire.
I worked in the cocoon of quilting yesterday. I listened to a humor filled book called Mrs. Queen Takes the Train. It is not a book that brings out a belly laugh very often but I smile a lot. A quarter of this quilt was finished yesterday. That first quarter where there is basting to adjust and the most safety pins to take out. There has not been any excess fabric or batting to cut off yet either. It is a work out. And the quarter that takes the most time. It is done. I hope to get more done today.
Last night, I tore out two sleeves for the sweater I am making. I would like them to a pretty close sweater but I need them to be able to go over a sleeve. I am going to make them about an inch wider. That should be a help. But it means I am not looking for buttons this weekend. Which I would probably have had to look at online. A fair number of the freeways and highways in the region are still under water. They are still being pumped out and have not been assessed for damage yet. Leaving the house is not wise in some directions.
I was told to take it easy today because I looked like I have two black eyes. More tea. More quilting. Enjoying temperatures that are a bit lower. Just a breath at a time and forward movement. It works.

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