
It was an eventful weekend. Most mornings, before I get on the computer, I spend time on my computer. It was very dark Saturday morning and I went to turn on my light near my chair. It would not turn on. I checked that it was connected to the outlet. It has been pulled free in the past. Then I realized the ceiling was not moving as fast as it should have been. No power. A tree had fallen on the power lines a couple blocks over.
Since I was in the house I am used having power in, my first thoughts were along the lines of what am I going to do now. It just threw me for a few minutes. Then it was time to just go forward. It was not very hot out so I did not feel like I needed to track down air conditioning. I had enough gear from camping that cooking was not a problem. I did not have bread rising so there was no need for the oven. Later in the evening would be when I would need to worry next.
I did take tea the boyos. I got asked how I made tea. My response is I camp a lot and I am more addicted to tea then you are. It was funny.
I had gotten my autumn quilted basted that I am making as a wall quilt so I started working on it. I had enough light from the window. It was a good head space. I really liked the quiet that it caused. Usually there is some electric humming noise as back ground.
I was wandering around in the apron I had printed. It looks like a dark splotch from here but if I looked down I could see where I printed acorns. It was cool enough that it did not get warm wearing it until much later.
The power did come on late afternoon so my one worry about lights was not a worry. It would have just meant an early night which I need many more of. Power being out changed all my plans for Saturday, and in some ways, the weekend. But you know, I did not mind. The days were excellent. Calm is good because my thoughts are still whirling and I am having a hard time calming them. Quiet is good.

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