and the celebrations are done

I am back. I got back from family celebrations yesterday afternoon, coached last night, and started back in an office job for a few months today. I am a little bit tired! It will be a lot of trying to do everything I wish in a different structure. Maybe I just slow things down a bit. Maybe not! But sleep is a necessity.
The celebrations went off pretty well. We celebrated my Dad's birthday about six week early because there was more people around. I made him a chocolate angel food cake with seven minute frosting drizzled with dark chocolate. There was not a bite left after the party. There was two halves of two sheet cakes left. He said it was right.
I also made him a sour cream raisin pie. I have nailed it. Almost. I need to play with the baking temperature just a bit. It is funny. This pie seems to appeal to more men then women which I do not understand. It is good.
Thanksgiving was a small celebration for my Mom. 18. I admit to being more then a bit overwhelmed at the table. It was just too much. I had a small plate of food and got up early to start doing dishes. I got a majority of them done. Then I was handed a margarita. Life was good.
My schedule in this space is going to be a bit up in the air for awhile. I just have to figure things out. But that is okay. I will.
I hope everyone's celebrations who had them were lovely. For those who did not, just good life is wished.

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