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creating energy

I am no longer used to sitting in an office for six hours a day.  Or looking at a computer for even close to that amount of time.  I am used to being much more creative then that all the time now.

Yesterday, instead of touching a computer, I played with my crochet hook.  I balled yarn.  I created granny squares for the afghan I making.  Maybe it will be here in time for Ziggy Monster to be born.  He could use it then.  Okay, we can share.

I played with bread recipes yesterday.  I like the boyos favorite bread but I just wanted more depth.  They also thought they were going to starve so sourdough was started without me.  It was hilarious!  Bread was made and it was lovely.  I am going to document that recipe.

I have been living on bean soup this week.  It travels well in one of my thermal containers.  More beans needed to be started.  Not eating lunch out is a win!  Really breakfast too.

The pajamas are starting to be made.  I am also working on some different styles of quilts.  And I keep thinking I need to work on more bags.  It has everything to do with just feeling the need  for more creative time.  

When I left the corporate world, I never stopped.  Now, I am just trying to add that in on top of everything else.  I know it means the creating will need to slow down just a bit because there only so many hours in the day.  But this is supposed to be a short contract and I am going to take it as such.  A fund for books, fabric, and yarn.  If it becomes more then that, I wil need to rethink the situation.

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