trying to slow down

This week has been about trying to slow down. The left foot in that picture is awfully damaged. The best path for healing it is staying off of it. Not walking thirty miles on it like last weekend. This week it has hurt. When I am hurting that badly, my creativity seems to pause, my energy sinks, and my mood turns more blue.
I am trying to do what I am supposed to do. I only walked ten miles in four days. That is really good for me. I am icing it three times a day, stretching it multiple times a day, and I have an old ball of Koda Bear's that I am rolling it on. The ball has spikes and it is hitting all the knots. What is really hilarious is that I know I could put it in an ice skate, whether hockey or figure, and have a lot less pain.
If it feels a bit thin on the blog, it is. Because I am not being creative. I spin yards of Finnx's fleece but you have seen that. I can do that sitting down. I am working on a hat but it is not done. I am putting buttonholes on a shirt but that is not done. Slowing my life down! But I can say that I keep moving forward which I am most grateful for. It is healing. It takes time.
Maybe I will have an empty house soon and I can boil cabbages. I use it for dye and I need to do that. But the boyos complain. Soon maybe?
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