
I think this week is only getting crazier. But it is all first world problems. My phone ringing too many times from an old company. The washing machine not draining. This is first world. A cup of tea. A slice of toast. Maybe even an adult beverage. It is all better.
Recently, hummus has been a huge life saver while traveling. Whether it is across country or just for a MotoGP weekend. Only buying one meal at an event because there is hummus and crackers in the car for when you leave is huge! I usually travel with food anyhow, even if travel is just errands. If it is more then my normal library errands I have at least a piece of fruit with me. It builds from there but hummus and crackers are definitely a potential. There was leftovers from camping and the boyos decided they really liked lunches that were centered around it.
I got online and ordered chickpeas from my favorite bean company. I also looked to see if they carried sesame seeds. They do not. I planned to make my own tahini. With the right tools, ever so easy.
I purchased about 3/4 pounds of sesame seeds. I toasted them in a dry cast iron pan for about five to ten minutes. That is all up to you. How toasty tasting do you wish your tahini?
I then put the toasted sesame seeds in my food processor. Just the regular blade. I turned it on and in about three minutes I had this meal textured mass.
Since I make my own fermented mustard, I know that something special happens after the seven to ten minute mark. The recipes I read said that you may wish to add oil at about this point. I decided to turn the machine on again.
Magic happened. I had runny smooth tahini. At this point, I tasted it to see if I wished to add salt. I knew I was going to add some salt when I made the hummus, so I decided not to. Three quarters of a pound of sesame seeds made just over one cup of tahini. Really made for good hummus. It will make lunches easier.

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