crazy busy

I made myself a new nightgown. It makes me laugh because it is too long but I am unwilling to hem it shorter because it is made of linen. Every linen garment I have had has never stopped shrinking up, or in another words, the warp direction. I know have to pick up my skirts when I wear this one.
I like this dusky plum linen so much, I ordered more. This color has a grey tone to it and I enjoy it. I ordered enough to make a couple dresses. Or another nightgown. Or. I am at the or spot. I spoke with a friend about this fabric and we both agree we are liking solids much more then we used to. If a fabric is not a solid, the print is more subtle. I sometimes feel like there is not enough hours in the day to create what I wish to create. There is always tomorrow.
Today has been crazy busy. Part of it is home stuff. Part of it is shop stuff, the making of ribbons. Some of it is being contacted by people who wish me to go back to the oil industry. Because some of them are people I genuinely enjoy, I have to at least consider. I have no idea what any decision will be at this point but I have lunch outside the house in a few weeks.
On top of all of this, I am coaching more. Again, it is a situation where it is fun. I do not stress about the coaching at all. Most of the time, I coach adults. They wish to be on the ice. They are learning a new skill. I try to make it fun but I also do not just let people "skate" by. They have to have the skill to go forward.
It is an interesting life.
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