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almost soured milk

I have talked about yogurt before here.  It is not hard to make.  Just, a lot does not get eaten here so I do not make a lot.  But I came back from camping to an almost gallon of milk close to being soured.  That was a lot of waste for me.  I made it into yogurt.

It was a very thin yogurt when it had fermented so I strained it a bit.  A lot of it is still very soft but some was much thicker.  That is how much yogurt I made.  You could tell consistency differences in the batch.  

I saved the whey that was strained out of it and have been using it the bread I have been making.  I will share that recipe tomorrow because it is quite good!  French like without being French.  

Life is quiet.  I am having a hard time finding things to write about because it is just my life.  I do kind of wish I had pigs for the milk but I do not.  I would have to live on the mountain for that full time.  Someday.

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