one of the many french style breads

Obviously, when I got back from camping I had milk that was going bad. Drinkable but it tasted just a bit off. I also needed bread.
I have been wanting a French style bread. The boyos really like the oatmeal. I could have made the oatmeal bread with the milk. Not a problem. I just wanted something a little different. I like a French style bread with butter and jam. A bit drippy but not holey. Which is why I say French style. I do not wish a crust that cuts my mouth and I want enough bread to hold the butter and jam and not fall on the plate. I can make the artisan style breads. I chose not to because I want the jam and butter to be on the bread not running down my arm. It sounds so picky but is true.
I went through the Bein Cuit cookbook to be inspired. There was a French style loaf with milk and olive oil. I have to admit I quite like it. Here is where it gets really silly. I looked at the proportion of measurements, realized they were very close to Chris Bianco's pizza dough measurements and went from there. It is really how simple bread is to make. Please try it!
I have actually made this bread again already with the whey I saved from straining the yogurt. Again, so good. There is a a half a loaf left and I am told bread is needed. Partially because the boyos have said there is a need for bread pudding with rum sauce. This is my life. There are many times where I do not feel like i am not getting anything done but it is because I am always making and doing! I just laugh.
Eat bread, butter, and jam. This is a good starting place. Ask questions if you want!
I also realized as I reread this post that words, fingers, and keyboard are not necessarily working very well. Ask questions if I am not clear please! I just have to laugh at myself. Time for more tea.
French style bread
Note: Used ideas from Zachary Golper of Bein Cuit and Chris Bianco of Bianco. It is bread.
a couple tablespoons of sourdough starter (I then add flour and water to my sourdough jar to refresh it for next time)
1 cup water
1 cup milk or whey
1/4 cup olive oil
5 cups or more of flour
2 teaspoons salt
In a large bowl, place the starter in a large bowl. Add the water, milk, and olive oil. Mix in 3 cups of flour. Stir really hard. Cover and let sit until bubbly. Starting with cold starter and cold milk, that is four to six hours. Maybe even eight depending on the temperature of your kitchen. No, I do not warm my milk.
Once the batter is bubbling, mix in the salt. Mix in almost two cups of flour. My flour is very fresh and very moist so I actually need to add almost another cup of flour to get a smooth dough. Mix in the two cups of flour until there is a rough ball. It will probably still be sticky but knead it until smooth. Get your hands in. Add as little extra floor as possible because the higher the water content of the dough the lighter your bread can be.
When the bread is a smooth ball, put back into a bowl and cover. Come back in about an hour, flatten, fold into the center, and make another bowl. Do this three times. After the third time, or I am ready to go to bed, I put the ball of dough in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.
The next day, I line a loaf baking tin with parchment paper. I take the dough out of the refrigerator and shape into a loaf shape. I put it into the tin and cover. I let it proof until double. Or the fingerprint pressed into it does not bounce back. My kitchen, this can take eight hours.
Once it is at this point, put the loaf into the oven. Turn the oven on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and back for one hour. It should be golden and sound hollow when the bottom is tapped. If it is not proofed enough, the center will be doughy and it will never truly bake.
Bread. Good basic bread that used milk that was souring. It is good with fresh milk and whey too! I am starting this bread this afternoon. I will probably bake it on Saturday. That is how my timings work.
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