quiet weekend

I had a quiet weekend. I am still in the middle of working on projects but I did take yesterday to try some tacos out and read. I have not taken much time just to read lately. Audiobooks have become my fall back as my hands are busy most of the time. Crochet and embroidery this weekend. I need to finish one soon.
Pictures and posts may not be very interesting this week. I need to cut lot of paper! That may be boring to communicate about. I find when I do that type of repetitive task, if it is quiet, I start to meditate. If I chose not to go too deep into my head, I put an audiobook on. Or a podcast. There are a couple of outdoor podcasts that I enjoy. And one business type.
For whatever reason, weather or pollen, I am sore today. Achy. I woke up fine and has gone down hill from there. Since I coach tonight, I am a bit worried! It should be all fine in the end. I just hope I can put words together!

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