experimentation in dough

It has been an interesting week. I actually felt like not getting on the computer. Partially because I am in mid projects. Partially because I have not had a lot of words. I decided it is okay not to have words and I took a day off from my writing schedule.
I have been thinking about playing with a chocolate dough. I follow a lot of bakers on Instagram and this type of bread comes up a lot on my feed. I decided to play. I felt the need to have my hands in dough.
I started with the most recent french style bread I wrote about. Add a few different flours for depth of flavor and cocoa. I am now waiting again! And I am laughing.
The bread will be baked sometime this afternoon or evening. Late afternoon if afternoon. The bread I make takes time. Patience. I was talking to a chef just about this on Monday. I actually got an invite to work a stage with their bakery chef if I wish. I told the chef he can always come here and I will work with him to make his bread better.
I could give him my secrets for hummus as well. Even though the restaurant he works as has one of the two best hummus' in the city, the boyos think mine is better. But mine is not topped with braised lamb neck which they really liked. I am going to have to figure that one out. I have a butcher shop I will wander to some day soon.
Writing a bit about my Monday, it may come to know surprise that I am acquainted with people who knew Anthony Bourdain. I did not know the man even though I admired his work. I do know that his death has affected a community larger then the professional chefs and foodies.
I have dealt with depression. I know the reasons behind it but that does not always make it easier. I have no good advice to anyone in the talons of depression or who wants to help. I find people wish to be seen. That smile. That word can make a difference. A cup of tea brought to them. A bowl soup. A bit of bread. Obviously I feed people. But I have noticed when I am out and about that saying Good Morning or hello makes a difference. When I have fallen, it is the homeless man on the corner who I say hello to who picked me up. Not the office workers. I saw him. I acknowledged him. This may not be enough stop someone you love to not harm themselves. But it may be enough for when they decide they need help they can reach to you. And they will know they are seen. They are loved.
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