end of summer

It is time to take Koda Bear back to the Tall Short Person this week. It makes me sad. Especially since I did not get to spend as much time with him as I thought I would. I am going to try to steal him away for some weekends this autumn. I am scoping out fiber fairs in the Pacific Northwest. There is even one that my father has been interested in going to. That one I know I would be talking sheep and goats. That is the who my father is.
When we brought Koda Bear here, my parents sent projects home with me. I just laughed. But I cut off the sleeves on my Dad's shirts and hemmed them. He will get more wear out of them now.
My Mother does not see herself as creative. And in recent years, I would have to say she has narrowed her creative endeavors down. She has always been very good at following directions. She used to make all of our Christmas cards, silk screen and linoleum cut printing. She learned cake decorating for birthdays. She learned how to do calligraphy so she could write in a fashion she was pleased with on those cards.
She choses not to do any of that anymore. And that is very okay. She follows directions for projects others find for the craft sale at her church. One of those friends is a knitter, but does not enjoy crochet. That friend fell in love with this cradle purse. My mother knew I crocheted and asked if I would make it for her friend. I said I would.
The cradle purse, by kit, is now finished. Did I follow the pattern exactly? No. But it is close. And it is done. It really did not take that long but I did find it hard on my hands. That could be the rock climbing too. It is kind of scary to me but I think that is the plastic doll. I would have done something different but I am not the one who fell in love with it.
I will not be in this space for a bit. There will be parts of the next two weeks I will not have phone service! This is exciting too me. I may post on Instagram if I do. I may not.

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