
This has been an interesting week since I have been home. The weather has floored me. We did not get as much rain as expected but the pressure front moved through in such a way that I was in a lot of pain. My main reaction was exhaustion. I spoke to someone else with arthritis and she said she had had the same reaction. Doing basics was about where I was going with everything.
We may have a cold front at the end of the week. I am hoping I do no have the same reaction. I am truly looking forward to some cooler weather. It is one of the hard bits of being back. I am ready for cool.
While I was in Washington state, I took an ecoprinting class at Ragfinery. I was very excited about it. I follow India Flint on Instagram (@prophet_of_bloom) and just have fallen in love with what she does. I did not realize was the one who pioneered this technique. I had watched what she had done enough to get an idea of maybe how to do it but Ragfinery was offering a class during a time I would be there.
While I was working with the scythe and chain saw, I was also collecting plants for using in dyeing. Both for the ecoprinting and to come back and dye ribbons. I have so much fun work to do that I feel a bit pulled in many directions.
I came out of the class with a knowledge of how to do ecoprinting. I also came out of the class with two silk scarves, multiple strips of cotton, and a silk dress printed with plants.
Opening the bundles are like opening Christmas packages. This is the back of the dress I printed. I do not like the front as well but I can reprint it. Which I may do Saturday. I have a friend who is an art teacher who wants to learn how so I am going to teacher her. It will also let me get pictures of the process. I got no pictures of the process while I was in class. It was too much fun! I think that is the best compliment you can give a class. Too much fun for pictures!
I want to go foraging! Plants for prints! I am actually planning some Christmas presents using these techniques. I will see how it all turns out.

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