autumn quilt

Since I made the Christmas Tree quilt and the Sew Scary quilt, I have talked about and pondered making an autumn quilt for my wall. More of a tapestry. But everything I make to hang on the wall I make to see have the possiblity of a quilt. Though the Christmas Tree quilt still has its lights pinned to it.
Two of my favorite shops for buying cottons for quilts are in Washington. I stopped in Quilting Mayhem and picked up many fabrics for Christmas presents. But I also picked up fabrics to make an autumn quilt tapestry. Then I took the ecoprinting class.
I combined the fabrics I had purchased with the prints I made to make this quilt top. It is difficult to get a good picture of it because it is very similar tones. But that was always the idea of an autumn quilt. I am very excited about this but I will probably not have much time to work on it until Sunday.
Saturday, I am teaching a friend how to ecoprint. I do not know how long that is going to take so I may or may not get to this space on Saturday. I hope to take pictures this time! I also need to go foraging for some of the greens I want. And cut out pattern pieces. I am going to print fabrics for clothing gifts. Or maybe just some dresses for me.
India Flint prints her aprons. I love white aprons but you can always see stain unless all you do is work with flour. I am thinking about printing my white aprons as well. I may become a walking plant print! I feel like I am having too much fun to focus. It just makes me smile.
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